TRAFFIC LIGHT SYSTEM (COVID-19 Protection Framework)
New Zealand moves to the COVID-19 Protection Framework, also known as the traffic lights, on 3 December. This new approach to COVID-19 will introduce more freedoms for vaccinated New Zealanders. For further information about this and any additional COVID-19 announcements please see the Unite Against COVID-19 website.
Government guidelines will allow us to operate in all phases of the Traffic Light System (COVID-19 Protection Framework)-however as a part of this framework, close contact Businesses such as Hairdressers are required to have their staff fully vaccinated and only attend to fully vaccinated clients during Traffic Light Level RED & Orange. Muse Salon is Proudly 100% Fully Vaccinated.
This of course means your next appointment may look and feel slightly different with PPE and other safety precautions in place.
When you come to our salons, we kindly ask that upon arrival you;
– sign in,
– show proof of vaccination &
– wear your mask,
our team will also be doing their very best to keep to the rules and your cooperation with this would be greatly appreciated.
Operating under the Traffic Light System, our workplace can open and have customers on site, but with some restrictions. Some initial things to be aware of before planning to see us:
You must scan in using the NZ COVID Tracer app or record your details for contact tracing every time you enter our salons.
We kindly ask that you show your proof of vaccination upon arrival.
You ask you to wear face coverings to keep yourself and others safe. For Face covering advice and requirements please see;
Please understand our ability to accommodate changes to your appointment will be significantly reduced at this time e.g. lateness or extra services.
If you visit one of our salons we ask that you keep 1 meters apart from our other clients or visitors.
We will be deep cleaning and disinfecting stations, devices or tools before and after use.
Our job involves interacting with clients, so we will limit contact by offering contactless payment methods, and contactless delivery. We will be regularly cleaning and disinfecting high-touch surfaces like EFTPOS machines etc and will have hand sanitiser available.
We will be working hard to monitor salon access and exit points to enable physical distancing so please be flexible and patient with us – our managers will be essentially the ‘traffic controllers’ in house and guide you, for your safety and that of others.
Air Filtration: each Muse Salon has a HEPA filtration system running to purify the air in salon. HEPA (High-efficiency Particulate Arrestance) is frequently used in hospitals and labs to filter out micron-sized particles, and effectively filters out 99% of PM0.3 particles and 99.99% of PM2.5 particles.
If you feel unwell please contact Healthline or check the Ministry of Health website.
Please take care and kia kaha.